Adolescents learn to tell audiovisual stories with the support of the LEO Fund
Punto de Enfoque Producciones teaches students from eastern Cali, Colombia how to create audiovisual content with an ethnic focus, raising awareness about the Afro-Colombian population.
Through an audiovisual content creation workshop, 9th grade students are utilizing theoretical and practical knowledge to identify themes that will be used in the creation of four short video stories.
Every Friday, beginning on August 18th in the commune 13 area of eastern Cali, Colombia, 9th grade students have been learning how to create audiovisual content with an ethnic approach at the Humberto Jordan Mazuera Educational Institute – Villa Blanca, which offers multi-ethnic and multi-cultural education.
The twenty-five students benefiting from this initiative range in age between 14-17 years old, with who Punto de Enfoque Producciones (Point of Focus Productions) is teaching how to technically create and record audio-visual content by writing scripts about their daily lives, their perspectives as teenagers and recording the selected stories.
According to Jorge Luis Diaz, one of the participants, “this workshop is interesting because you see new things and learn how to make videos. The truth is that as a fifteen year-old, you don’t have anything to do in the afternoons around our neighborhood.”
Diego Alejandro Arambulo, 10 years old, said that “this is an opportunity to learn something distinct, and it’s interesting to use a camera and see yourself on television.”
Most of the project participants live in vulnerable communities in the eastern part of Cali, Colombia, such as the El Pondaje and Villa Blanca neighborhoods.
These audio-visual creation workshops are a part of the project “Training of young people from the east of Cali, Colombia, within the framework of the Afro-Film Festival Anase, executed by Punto de Enfoque Producciones (Point of Focus Productions) and is being supported by the LEO Fund.